Why self-love is the most fundamental pillar to success

Georgia Pitfield Coaching
3 min readFeb 8, 2022

Everything starts with self love. Before we can begin to manifest our goals & desires we must first look inwards at the self. If we don’t have self love, how can we expect events that operate on the frequency of love or higher to be magnetized towards us?

We can only manifest when we are operating at the same frequency of what we desire.

First, we must accept the self for who we really are.

Once we accept ourselves, we can start to feel worthy of what we desire.

Once we feel worthy, we begin to be in alignment with our dreams. We accept ourselves fully. We believe fully that we are worthy of everything we want to receive. Once we are in a place of self worth, then we can begin to truly love ourselves. We cannot have self love, without first having self acceptance & self worth. Without self love, we cannot manifest our desires, because the absence of self love, is the absence of self worth & self acceptance. Without this three part formula, we are unable to manifest success rooted in true happiness.

Manifestation is based on the principles of Quantum science.

The Quantum law states that we must THINK & FEEL at the same time in order to produce results. Thinking only or feeling only have NO effect on the Quantum world & therefore will not bring a possible outcome into exist. For a possible outcome currently in the Quantum sphere to be brought into current reality, we must have THOUGHTS & FEELINGS in alignment.

Thoughts are easy enough to explain, we can think about what it is we want repeatedly, but this will not bring it to life, unless we also FEEL what we want. To explain this further, we’ve all heard the statement “fake it till we make it”. This might be an off the cuff statement, but it actually holds weight. In order to manifest, Quantum law states that we must feel the possible outcome as if it is already within our present-day reality. Thoughts + Feelings = Outcome.

So where does self-love come into this?

Have you ever wanted something so badly? You’ve thought about it all day and night. Perhaps you’ve even tried manifesting. You’re acting like the person who has what you want, yet still…nothing. You must have wondered where the block is coming from… well, it’s coming from a lack of self-love.

But I do take care of myself! You might say. No. Self-love and self-care are not the same thing. A pamper session on a Sunday, a few yoga classes & a good night’s sleep although they make you feel GOOD about yourself and can indeed raise your vibration, is not self-love.

Self-love runs deeper than you could ever have imagined. Self-love is the true feelings we hold towards ourselves. Self-love is loving ourselves despite any mistakes we may have made, removing all shame, removing all doubt, eliminating any names or unkind words that are ingrained into our subconscious mind, self-love is loving ourselves wholly.

To cultivate self-love, we must take a step back and work on the 3 Self’s.

Firstly, there is self-acceptance. Accept each and every part of the front facing & shadow self. There is nothing to hide when it comes to self-love.

Once we have found true self-acceptance, we can move on to self-worth. We must believe we are worthy of receiving. We must believe we deserve it wholeheartedly. Every part of us. To follow the principles of Quantum law, we must not only think we are worthy we must feel we are worthy.

Once we have found true self-acceptance & self-worth, only THEN can we cultivate true self-love & begin to manifest true success.



Georgia Pitfield Coaching

SOULFUL LIVING ™ — guiding you to reclaim your identity through soul reconnection. www.georgiapitfieldcoaching.com