How would it feel to turn competition into celebration?

Georgia Pitfield Coaching
3 min readJun 16, 2022

This weekend, I spent time with a beautiful group of friends. I was chatting to one of them about how special the bond we have within this particular group is and he turned to me and said, “I only spend time with people who make me feel good. I no longer spend time with people that make me feel insecure” which got me thinking about what this meant in terms of the friendships we choose to form and the energy we surround ourselves with.

Are there people in your life that make you feel insecure?

Have you even noticed the insecurities they bring out in you?

Do you still choose to spend time within their energetic field, despite knowing how this makes you feel?

The idea of competition is engrained within us since birth. We are compared to other babies of the same age to note our developments, schooling begins, and we are compared to our classmates whether it be through tests, talent shows, sports, exams. The idea of competition appears to be completely normal, so it’s only natural that this would of course be prevalent as a deep root within any relationship we enter into.

We also hear of “healthy competition”. But, how healthy is it to be comparing your ability in any form to another individual? Yes, sometimes we need that extra push, we might have the ability within us and by being in a competitive environment, we dig deeper than we would have on our own. But when does this stop and deep-seated insecurity seep in? By comparing ourselves to others in a capacity where we feel unable to compete, we allow space for subconscious fear and limiting beliefs to form.

Perhaps you’ve noticed competition with friends in the way you look. Who has a better body, who is better looking, who has the most money, who has the nicest clothes, who receives the most attention. The list goes on.

But what about if we moved from competition to celebration.

What if you were able to champion your friend’s new promotion, their beauty, their newfound love for exercise or a new style they’ve found that enables them to feel true creative expression?

What if you were able to notice what you admired in others without the need to address your position as lacking or not enough?

What if you were able to replace jealousy with celebration?

By celebrating the success of others, we open doors for celebration within ourselves. By noticing the beauty around us, we invite space for more beauty within ourselves.

Because it’s not other people that MAKE us feel insecure. It’s our ability to trust that we are good enough that triumphs the need for insecurities and comparison. The truth is, there are no benchmarks that we need to hit. Every single being on this Earth has a different energetic blueprint, therefore, how can we possibly try to compare? To compete? We are all uniquely different. There is no comparison.

Everything is energy. By surrounding our energetic field with high vibrational frequencies, we are inviting more high vibrations into our sphere.

Choose to surround yourself with the energy that you need to guide you closer each day towards true inner happiness & freedom. You are in control of the energy you omit and the energy you receive.

Choose to spend time with the energy that reinforces your worthiness, your beauty and your uniqueness.



Georgia Pitfield Coaching

SOULFUL LIVING ™ — guiding you to reclaim your identity through soul reconnection.