5 Signs you aren’t living a soul fulfilling life

Georgia Pitfield Coaching
7 min readFeb 11, 2022
source: canva

We move through life in search of happiness. We go to school, we grow up, we start working, we might fall in love or start a family, land that killer job or major promotion, we might travel & spend time with different cultures, we may feel we are doing everything right — yet… an impending sense of loneliness can creep in. We often find ourselves asking “why”? Why do I feel a sense of emptiness when I have everything I wanted? We hit a milestone and as soon as the novelty wears off, we are searching and chasing the next big thing. Why does the feeling of elation that comes with success never stay for long? I certainly found myself asking these questions. I spent my life constantly waiting for the next big, exciting thing, booking holiday after holiday with increasing debt building up, living for the weekends which essentially means wishing time would speed up during 5 out of 7 days of your week and would slow down on those 2 days where you felt some sort of freedom. I spent my life chasing “freedom”, but what I didn’t know that this freedom was within me all along, I just had to find it. I had to get to the bottom of this feeling of always wanting more, of always striving for the next big thing even when I had only just got the current big thing. That’s when I discovered, I was living completely out of alignment with my soul purpose. Here’s 5 signs that you might be too.

1) You constantly second guess your decisions

Do you find yourself unable to make decisions and once you do you are constantly second guessing them? We drive ourselves mad wondering “was that the right thing to do?”, “what if I chose the other option, would things work out better?” This constant second guessing is the first sign that you aren’t living soulfully. When we make decisions based on the opinions or influences of our outer environment, they very rarely fulfil us when it comes to success. For most of us, we will spend our lives making decisions based on our societal & family programming. These influences are ingrained into us from early childhood and shape the decisions we make as adults. Have you ever stopped to think “do I really want this?” or “do I want this because it’s what I think I want?”. Most of us will move through life making choices based on what we think we want, but we are neglecting what we as a unique individual really wants. Then once the decision is made, we second guess it. Why? Because we decided without consulting our soul. Our intuition didn’t get a say in what we did. But that’s the beauty of our intuition, it is the most powerful gift we will ever own. No matter how much we try to move through life at a certain speed, if this is out of alignment with our true desires our intuition WILL kick in and try to stop us. Consulting your intuition is the smartest thing you can do when it comes to decision making. Once we reconnect with our soul & start Soulful Living, the element of second guessing is no longer present. We don’t second guess decisions made in alignment with our soul purpose.

“But that’s the beauty of our intuition, it is the most powerful gift we will ever own.”

2) You’re a people pleaser

Are you someone who will say yes just to make someone happy at the detriment to yourself? Do you go along with what your friends/family/partner want to do without speaking up for yourself? Are you worried about what people might say if you put your own needs first? If any of these resonate with you, this is a sign you aren’t living soulfully. Soulful Living means living each day according to the needs of YOU and YOUR soul. This doesn’t mean neglecting anyone else’s needs & feelings, but it means working in partnership with others to ensure your needs are met and aren’t being pushed to the position of second best. When we reconnect with our soul, we become our priority. We cannot have soul connection without having discovery of our soul purpose & mission. Having an awareness of this allows us to make choices & agreements with others based off what is in alignment with our needs.

3) You’re afraid to be yourself in front of others

Do you have a shield in front of others? Are you afraid of other people finding out who you really are? Do you even have an awareness of who you really are? If you have answered yes to any of these, chances are you are not living soulfully. Soulful Living urges us to embrace & love all parts of ourselves, yes, that includes the shadow self that you have worked so hard to hide since your teens. We are nothing without self-love and living soulfully requires us to live in love with ourselves. Most of us have developed a guard & a shield, courtesy of our ego. While this development was to protect us through those gruelling teenage years, as adults, most of us are in a place where we can acknowledge this shield, thank it for everything it has done for us and start to bring those walls down. Living soulfully is living in a way that we are in complete love with who we are. This means embracing every part of ourselves without the need to hide it from society. Once we are fully accepting & loving of ourselves, we learn that the only opinion that matters is our own. Once we love ourselves wholly, the opinions of others have no affect on who we are and what we do. We will also learn that other people have a pretty hard time being negative about someone who exudes so much love. Living soulfully means caring what we think about ourselves, caring about the choices we make and how we behave because of the affect it has on US, not anyone else. It also means knowing who we are. Often, we are afraid to be our true selves because quite frankly, especially in my case, we had no idea who we were. How we can be ourselves if we don’t know who this person is! Soulful Living is having a true, deep, intimate connection with the self.

4) You hate spending time alone

All of us get lonely, but are you one of those people who literally can’t spend one evening by yourself? The thought of “me time” scares you and you fill your diary back-to-back with social events? If so, you are not living soulfully. We tend to reject alone time because we fear where our brain might take us when we are alone. We reject time with the self because we fear the self. We are scared of what we might feel when we spend time alone because we have not come face to face with every part of ourselves, the good and the bad. This is living out of alignment with our soul. We must honour ourselves & our alone time. The moments where we are in tune with ourselves through meditative practice & time spent alone with our mind & thoughts are the most important in understanding who we really are what we want from life. Real change comes from having control over your mindset. Through Soulful Living, there is no fear of witnessing the shadow self when it comes out to play. We must not only accept but embrace & love every part of the self in order to live according to our soul & it’s purpose.

“Real change comes from having control over your mindset”

5) Even though you have everything you want something is still missing

The most significant indicator that you are not living soulfully is that you have everything you asked for, yet still… there is just something that isn’t right. Something you can’t pinpoint. A lack of fulfilment or a sense of unknowing. A feeling of disconnection. A search for meaning. A yearning for a deeper understanding of life. This is your soul calling out to you to begin your journey of soul discovery. From the day we are born, we are all souls trying to find our way back home. Back home to our soul connection. Back home to our soul purpose. A desire for a deeper understanding is your sign that your soul is so ready to find it’s way back home. It wants you to begin living soulfully. You are ready to reclaim your identity & begin living each day with clarity, connection & purpose.

“From the day we are born, we are all souls trying to find our way back home”

Does any of this sound like you? Are you ready to begin your Soul Journey? Contact me for a free consultation or to book my signature offering — The Soul Journey.

As The Soulful Living Coach I am here to guide you through life’s murky waters and into a place where you can reclaim your identity & live each day with Clarity, Connection & Purpose.



Georgia Pitfield Coaching

SOULFUL LIVING ™ — guiding you to reclaim your identity through soul reconnection. www.georgiapitfieldcoaching.com